Florida’s Unwrapped Gift to Taxpayers
People who don’t do their jobs are usually held accountable, right? Not if you work for Miami-Dade County.
Robert Akras, a Miami-Dade County property surveyor who makes $86,238 a year has been missing in action from work. This did not sit well with newly elected Property Appraiser Carlos Lopez-Cantera, who has tried to fire Akras for not showing up for work, but was advised against doing so by Miami-Dade County Attorney Robert Cuevas.
This is the result of a practice known as union release time, whereby members of public employee unions can go on leave to do union business—on the taxpayer’s dime. This taxpayer-funded union subsidy is agreed upon in the collective bargaining agreements between the union and county government. > Read more
National Journal: Wind’s Future: Not As Bright As DOE Report Suggests
This week’s question cites a recent DOE report, which boasts that wind energy was the No. 1 source of new electric generation capacity in 2012. No industry can truly be said to have a bright future if it’s growth depends on regulatory coercion and taxpayer subsidy. Gas generation is growing faster than wind generation because it is more valuable.
A new study says global warming could cause a 50% increase in violent conflict by 2050. CEI’s Myron Ebell explains to Fox’s Clayton Morris and Linda Marsa of Discover Magazine that it’s just “junk social science.” > View the debate
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100 People to Watch This Fall
Christopher Horner, CEI Senior Fellow
Horner, an attorney, conservative analyst and activist and political bomb-thrower, has drawn attention for recent lawsuits seeking more transparency from the EPA. > Read more
If you grow sweet cherries and/or Irish potatoes in certain parts of Washington State, the Agricultural Marketing Service is lowering the assessment rate it charges on your crop.