American Inferno: Greens Fiddle While Forests Burn
Copyright © 2002 by The National Review.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> …
Chumming for Chumps at Tampa Shark Conference
A conference on shark attacks in Tampa this week is intended by its sponsors, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife…
Shark Spin Soup: The Return Of The Shark Apologists
The federally funded press conference on shark attacks held on May 21 indicates that Americans have good reason to be afraid as another summer…
June/July 2002 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “Daniels In The…
Government’s Role In Shark Attacks
The federal government recently sponsored a press conference on shark attacks, and while it was meant to be reassuring, it actually showed Americans have good…
Disarmament by Default?
The Bush administration's agreement to deep new reductions in the number of nuclear weapons deployed by U.S. and Russian armed forces might be another…
Attack Of The Shark Experts
If last summer was “The Summer of the Shark,” it also became the summer of the shark expert, as a parade of advocates…
March 2002 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “President…
Unfocused Federal Wildfire Effort Draws Fire From States
Following the lead of New Mexico — which not long ago declared mismanaged federal lands in the state to be disaster areas and threatened intervention…
Unfocused Federal Wildfire Effort Draws Fire From States
Following the lead of New Mexico — which not long ago declared mismanaged federal lands in the state to be disaster areas and threatened intervention…
February 2002 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “Poised For A Broadband…
January 2002 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “Energy Policy Takes A…
Fight Rages Over Fate of Deadwood And Timber Sales
How much wood should a woodcutter cut if a woodcutter could cut wood? That debate has been raging in the western United States for more…
December 2001 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “The Two Faces of…
Under Seige: One Reason Our Military Readiness Is Down: We Won’t Let Them Train
As it prepares sailors, soldiers, and airmen to face enemies abroad, the U.S. military also finds itself under new pressure on the homefront.
October 2001 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “Security vs. Civil Liberties”…
Zoned to Extinction: Overzealous Regulation May Soon Render Commercial Fishermen A Dying Breed
We’ve got water coming in!” the captain announced abruptly as he poked a flashlight through a torso-wide hatch to where the Detroit diesels fretfully thrumbled…
Jaws 5: Return Of The Commercial Shark Fishery
Paige Op-Ed In The National Post<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> This summer’s horrific shark attacks may be nothing more than blind…
Sharks Are Only Doing What Sharks Do
Paige Op-Ed In The Calgary Herald<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> News stories…
September 2001 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “U.S. Triumphs In Bonn”…
Wildfire Witch Hunt Will Likely Miss The Real Culprits
A witch-hunt is under way in Washington state for the negligent weenie roasters believed responsible for sparking a modest forest fire that suddenly turned deadly…
The Jaws Of Government: Are The Feds To Blame For Shark Attacks?
Sean Paige article in National Review Online. The horrific, near-fatal shark attack on a boy off a Florida beach in July — followed just days…
Dead Wood
The sudden departure late last month of U.S. Forest Service Chief Mike Dombeck, a Clinton-era holdover, evoked a sigh of relief in parts of the…
Bringing the Battle to the Suburbs
Proving that organized environmentalism is often as much about economics as it is ecology, and as much about social control as it is saving species, a…
Bringing the Battle to the Suburbs
Proving that organized environmentalism is often as much about economics as it is ecology, and as much about social control as it is saving species, a…
In Obscurity, Clinton Regime Saves Worst Regulations for Last
Americans have developed a fetish-like fixation on the “first hundred days” of incoming ‘administrations in the era of promise-us-everything politics. They use the honeymoon period…
All the Hype that Can Be Put to Type: Sean Paige Op-Ed in Washinton Times
Published in the Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT) Published in the Washington Times October 08, 2000 …
A Scorched-Earth Debate Hits West
Smoke still is rising from vast scorched acreage in the Rocky Mountain West, and fire continues ruthlessly to consume the tinderbox that much of the…
Uncle Sam Gets Burned Out West
Some say the world will end in fire,” wrote the poet Robert Frost, “some say in ice.” But after the wildfires U.S. westerners recently witnessed…
Only The Forest Service Can Prevent Forests
Remember,” Smokey Bear likes to remind careless campers, “only you can prevent forest fires.” Only you – and the U.S. Forest Service, which has been…