
District Seeks to Revive Gun Ban

The District of Columbia has filed a petition with the Supreme Court seeking review of a federal appeals court decision striking down the District’s…


Quelle horreur!

A couple of weeks ago The Washington Post ran a story about the recent correction of surface temperature measurements the wonderful…


Friars in the City

The Washington Post carries a very interesting story about the growth of a Roman Catholic Religious Order. Two things I find interesting from a…


How to Really Tax the Rich

There is much that occurs in Washington that irritates — and irritates mightily. One of my pet peeves is how welfare statists greedy for extra…


Happy Labor Day, y’all

The Washington Examiner editorializes further today in anticipation of Labor Day, this time on the efforts by Democrats in Congress to cut the…



With all the hype about recalls of Chinese toys, jewelry, and other children’s items, consumers — especially parents — in the West are understandably concerned…


A subprime bailout or not?

This morning both Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and President George W. Bush addressed the subprime lending problems and what the government would and would…


OFC Debate to Begin Again

With Tim Johnson, the lead sponsor of the Optional Federal Charter for insurance companies back in the U.S. Senate next week, it’s likely that the…


Big Labor [hearts] Big Government

Government is the only area in which unionization is growing in America. Today’s DC Examiner features an editorial that explains one reason why: It’s…


Katrina anniversary musings

As a New Orleans native — born and raised there — I've been reading the coverage of Hurricane Katrina's second anniversary today. Next…


Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Britblogger Guido Fawkes delights in blowing up the sacred symbols of establishment. Here he presents data that strongly suggest that mass public transport, symbolized…


NASA’s Chronic Problems

I strongly agree with Michelle that NASA is a fine example of public choice theory at work. Political pressures impel NASA to sacrifice…


NASA: Dodging the Green Bullet

NASA announced last Friday that while searching for the reason foam separated from the space shuttle Endeavor during takeoff (tearing a 3-inch gash in the…


One Foot vs. 80 Feet

If you have two botanists discussing a certain plant species, and the first one believes that the plant will grow to 1 foot, but the…


Health Nannies’ Worst Nightmare

In England, new centennarian Winnie Langley celebrates her 100th birthday by smoking her 170,000th cigarrette. Winnie Langley started smoking only days after the…


A New Definition of Quality of Life

The UK Conservative Party has a “Quality of Life” policy group, headed by former Environment Secretary John Selwyn Gummer (whose most distinguished political moment involved…



My colleague Iain Murray notes here at OpenMarket and at Planet Gore about a series of past alarmist NASA pronouncements, which list I…


Discouraging Data

In this commendably balanced story by The New York Times’ Andy Revkin about the recent NASA temperature data fiasco, a certain someone at NASA…