Bureaucrash Launches “Crash Across America”

Washington, DC, August 21, 2007—This week the pro-freedom activists of the Bureaucrash Network launch "Crash Across America 2007," a road trip and video diary project that will highlight abuses of government power and celebrate the traditions of liberty.

Beginning in Ontario, Canada at the Liberty Summer Seminar – an annual festival for believers in limited government – Bureaucrash members will make their way back to headquarters in Washington, D.C., stopping at several points along the way to highlight ridiculous laws, interview victims of abusive government policies and commemorate some notable events in the history of liberty.

"More than ever, we’re seeing that the public is tired of the big government solutions that are coming out of both parties," said Jason Talley, Bureaucrash Crasher-in-Chief. "With approval ratings for both a Republican President and a Democrat-led Congress in the tank, more people are beginning to realize that we need to start moving in the direction of smaller government and greater personal responsibility. Nothing proves the need for change better that the expensive and intrusive policies that we’ve been saddled with by the current crop of politicians and bureaucrats."

Bureaucrash, founded in 2001 by Boston businessman Al Rosenberg, is an international network of pro-freedom youth activists working to advance the cause of liberty with creative operations and multimedia tools. This summer’s Crash Across America falls on the heels of several successful recent crashes, including the Washington premiere of Michael Moore’s documentarySicko, Al Gore’s LiveEarth concert in New Jersey and a surprise ambush of anti-capitalist pranksters The Yes Men.

To follow the progress of the Bureaucrash crew as Crash Across America 2007 rolls along, go to bureaucrash.com and watch their video entries as they make their way from Ontario, Canada through New Hampshire, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and assorted other points along the way. See the map of their route here.

Contact for Media Interviews

Jason Talley


Bureaucrash Activist Network

202-251-6561 – mobile

[email protected]


Bureaucrash, a project of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, is an international network of activists dedicated to fighting for human freedom around the world.