Confirmed by the United States Senate on January 23, 2001, the Honorable Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. joined President George W. Bush’s Cabinet as a member who combines Main Street experience and Pennsylvania Avenue credentials.
Prior to joining the President’s Cabinet, Daniels enjoyed a successful tenure at the pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly & Co. as the senior vice president of corporate strategy and policy in 1997. As a top executive, Daniels ensured that Lilly had the flexibility necessary to remain a leader in its constantly evolving field. Daniels also has advised firms ranging from Indiana National Bank to IPALCO Enterprises, Inc.
Daniels, however, is no newcomer to Washington. He served at the right hand of Indiana Senator Richard Lugar and as a top aide to President Ronald Reagan. In 1988, Daniels was considered a likely successor to fill the seat of Indiana Senator Dan Quayle. Instead, Daniels chose to remain in Indiana as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Indianapolis-based Hudson Institute. Daniels is the first Indiana Cabinet member since Doc Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services under President Reagan.
Daniels has proved a key contributor to the President’s vision for renewing America. Helping shape the historic tax relief bill President Bush signed into law last June, Daniels was also influential in designing the economic and fiscal response to the terrorist attacks of September 11. Among other things, he oversaw the formulation and implementation of the airline rescue package. Currently, Daniels sits on the Homeland Security and National Security Councils.
Throughout his career, Daniels has remembered the importance of family and community. While at Lilly, he co-founded the Oaks Academy, a non-denominational Christian school for inner-city youth. Daniels has been active in various charities including Goodwill Industries, Choice Charitable Trust, and the Fund for Hoosier Excellence.
Mitch and his wife Cheri have four daughters.