
The State Antitrust Paradox

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY American antitrust law is the bedrock of competition policy in the United States. It has also proven among the most intellectually challenging areas…



America Last

The Jones Act requires any ship traveling between two U.S. points to be U.S.-manufactured, -owned, -flagged, and -crewed. This heavy-handed protectionist measure was enacted in 1920…

Trade and International


The Rising Tide

Full Document Available in PDF In a companion paper, People Not Ratios: Why the Debate over Income Inequality Asks the Wrong…


People, Not Ratios

Full Document Available in PDF The debate over income inequality became especially heated following the English-language publication of French economist Thomas Piketty’s…


Fanning the Flames

Banning flame retardant chemicals puts consumers at risk. Rather than a ban, a better approach would allow for innovation.


“Beepocalypse” Not

Concern about the survival of the European honeybee has blossomed into a media frenzy. The most frequently alleged culprit is a class of pesticides known as…