CBO Pension Report, HIV Testing, and Florida
Today in the News
CBO Pension Report
A new Pew Center report estimates that the nation’s public pensions are underfunded by about $1.26 trillion. The CBO elaborated on the Pew Center report and took a close look at the discount rate used in the $1.26 trillion estimation.
Labor Policy Analyst Ivan Osorio responds to the CBO report.
“The uncertainty over state and local government pensions funds’ total shortfall underscores the difficulty of addressing the underfunding problem, but addressed it must be. Better identifying the problem helps, and the CBO joining the discussion goes some way toward that. However, the policies it lays out here are problematic.”
HIV Testing
The Adult Industry Medical Foundation used to regularly test adult film stars for HIV—but it closed down, after years of harassment from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
Policy Analyst Michelle Minton comments on the clinic’s closing.
“For years the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) has attacked the AIM clinic, claiming that it was not sufficiently treating actors and provided a false sense of security. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation was primarily pushing for mandatory condom usage on porn sets. As I wrote last year in the LA Times, it is perplexing that AHF, which supposedly cares about the health and wellness of porn actors, has relentlessly attacked the AIM clinic over many years.”
Recently-passed laws in Florida ban bestiality and sagging pants.
Fellow in Regulatory Studies Ryan Young explains.
“The bestiality bill, SB 344, is rather, ahem, detailed. I will spare you those details, and only point out that the bill would make it illegal to ‘[k]nowingly engage in any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal.’ That means if someone unknowingly engages in the same (how?), they have not committed a crime. One wonders if any offenders will try to use that defense. The baggy pants bill, SB 228, requires all Florida public school districts to add a droopy pants ban to their dress codes. The bill also prescribes punishments. First-time offenders get a verbal warning. A second offense means a suspension from extracurricular activities for up to five days. Every offense after that means up to three days of in-school suspension and no extracurriculars for up to 30 days. The student’s parents also get a note from the school.”