CEI Daily Update
Issues in the News
California officials expand plans to regulate vehicle emissions in the name of fighting global warming.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Senior Fellow Iain Murray and Energy Policy Analyst William Yeatman on the costs of California’s climate plans:
There are other problems with the ‘California model.’ The [Global Warming Solution] Act stipulates that emissions reductions begin in 2012 — two years after Mr. Schwarzenegger’s term expires. His administration even went so far as to direct the lead regulatory agency on climate change to limit ‘early action’ items — emissions reduction measures that could be begun by 2010 — to only three. All the pain of energy restrictions, taxes and mandates will, conveniently enough, be unleashed on citizens only after the Governator is out of office and working on his next film. No wonder he signed the Solutions Act.
The House of Representatives approves a new farm bill, including billions of dollars in crop subsidies.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Adjunct Scholar Fran Smith on the costs of the farm bill:
Washington Watch today listed the cost of the farm bill (H.R. 2419) just passed by the House last Friday. It seems like the average American family will pay $2590.27 for this bloated program that the Democrats — in pushing it through — claimed had ‘something for everyone.’
Google lobbies for an “open network” rule to be applied to a much-anticipated FCC spectrum auction.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Technology Policy Analyst Cord Blomquist on the advantages of open vs. closed networks:
Google may have a business model that makes sense under their proposed restrictions, but forcing the model on others isn’t because of some overarching philosophy of ‘openness.’ Rather, Google wants to save money on the auctions by driving out many of the bidders. This is a shame. While an open wireless network is intriguing and could create a platform for unique innovations, limited networks will still offer stability, compatibility, security, and privacy and should be allowed to compete.
Blog feature: For more news and analysis, updated throughout the day, visit CEI’s blog, Open Market.
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