CEI Daily Update
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chairman John Dingell prepare for a showdown on energy policy.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Director of Energy Policy Myron Ebell on the most recent energy-related legislation to be considered in the House of Representatives:
The mandate for alternative fuels – mostly ethanol made from corn – is an odd choice for an energy reform package, particularly at a time when many House members are complaining about the impact of high gas prices on consumers. What is being proposed will raise auto fuel prices significantly. Rather than blaming oil companies, Members of Congress should start looking at the government policies they are proposing that would make energy from all sources more expensive.
The Al Gore-sponsored “Live Earth” concert series yields surprisingly poor TV ratings in the U.S.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Crasher-in-Chief Jason Talley on his infiltration of Live Earth New York:
Crashing Live Earth New York was about opening up the debate on an important issue – one which often gets a one-sided treatment, particularly in government schools. We wanted to let the Live Earth audiences know that there’s more to the climate change debate than Al Gore’s questionable predictions.
Presidential candidates debate whether purchasing health insurance should be made mandatory.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Senior Fellow Eli Lehrer on requiring individuals to purchase auto and medical insurance:
To begin with, borrowing the most talked about feature of auto insurance—mandatory purchase—won’t actually provide coverage to all of the 47 million Americans who lack it. While over 95 percent of American motorists live in states that mandate auto insurance purchase, about 13 percent of accidents involve drivers without coverage. Countries like Switzerland, Israel, and Germany that require individuals to buy private health insurance, likewise, find that not everyone complies. Mandatory purchase would decrease the number of uninsured, but, alone, nobody can seriously contend that it would actually result in universal coverage.
Blog feature: For more news and analysis, updated throughout the day, visit CEI’s blog, Open Market.
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