Christopher Horner Senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Horner, an attorney, conservative analyst and activist and political bomb-thrower, has drawn attention for recent lawsuits seeking more transparency from the Environmental Protection Agency. > Read more
Unhappy Anniversary: A Year of Treasury Department Stonewalling
Today marks one year since the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed two Freedom of Information Act requests for documents from the Department of Treasury discussing its thoughts, plans and collaborators on a possible carbon tax.
CEI has experienced just how difficult it can be to extract documents, even those critical to public understanding and judgment on a debate of enormous economic consequence, from an agency that senses those documents would harm a cause and/or cast it in a bad light. > Read more
Daily Caller: Is ‘zero for zero’ a sugar industry ploy?
There is growing support for reforming the sugar program from both the left and right. The sugar lobby has responded not by negotiating an end to its special privileges but by seeking to rally around the flag and bash Brazil. And they’ve enlisted a few groups with little experience in agricultural policy to sign on to their agenda.> Read more
Daily Caller: Humans pay the price for anti-pesticide policies
With each passing year, regulators and lawmakers continue to restrict use of valuable tools that local public health officials need to fight dangerous pest-transmitted diseases. As their arsenal gets smaller, we can expect that more people will get sick. > Read more
CEI is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. For more information about CEI, please visit our website,, and blogs, and Follow CEI on Twitter!
WorkplacechoiceCongressional Scorecard
Well, it’s official: We finally have a fully staffed National Labor Relations Board.
The USDA not only requires licenses for dairy imports, it also imposes tariffs and quotas. The goal is to financially benefit dairy farmers, though a side effect is higher prices and less choice for consumers.