CEI Today: Ecuador/Chevron, principles for immigration reform, and the week in regulation

Today in the News


American Spectator: Another Correa Problem, In Ecuador we have Big Green vs. Big Oil in a pitifully unfair fight

The Ecuadorian President is backed by an international green lobby, including a group of aggressive trial lawyers, determined to see Chevron pay. Now the plaintiffs’ lawyers are seeking a jurisdiction likely to rule in their favor — something which an arbitration panel in The Hague has deemed an unfair practice. But even if they succeed in their quest, their real trouble is the facts in front of them.



Openmarket.org: Seven Principles Of Free Market Immigration Reform

1. Immigration laws should value human beings.

2. Immigration reform should reflect market realities.

3. The rule of law should be upheld.

4. Laws should be reformed to encourage legal immigration and discourage the illegal kind.

5. Laws should not deputize citizens as enforcers.

6. Laws should create sustainable systems, not just one time exceptions.

7. Laws should respect families.



CEI’s Battered Business Bureau: The Week In Regulation

Highlights from final rules published last week:

• If you grow apricots in certain parts of Washington state, the Agricultural Marketing Service is lowering its assessment tax from $1.50 to $0.50 per ton. Washington farmers who grow cherries and pears are also having their assessments lowered.

• The Coast Guard regulates when the drawbridge in Rock Island, Illinois goes up and down. One would think that the city could manage this on its own.

• The FCC has revised its rules for wireless signal boosters.

• The Defense Department runs a homeless shelter program