CEI Today: Obama war on coal, auto unions, and TSA body scanners
Today in the News
President’s Climate Plan Undemocratic, Bordering On Authoritarian, Disingenuous on Keystone
President Obama’s climate agenda released today is being done without public or congressional support and is being pursued in this way because he knows the peoples’ elected representatives would never approve these plans, say experts at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. “Obama’s all-pain, no-gain agenda will cost jobs, drive up prices and have little effect on global emissions,” said Myron Ebell, director of CEI’s Center for Energy and Environment. “It is undemocratic, bordering on authoritarian.
Chattanooga Times Free-Press: Anti-, pro-union voices fight over VW plant
Matt Patterson, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center For Economic Freedom, said his group has put up a billboard on Highway 153, just a few miles from the VW plant, to help get its message across about the dangers of unions and the UAW.
The billboard depicts a rundown former Detroit, Mich., auto plant and states “Auto unions ATE Detroit. Next meal: Chattanooga?”
Plans are to begin efforts to educate business leaders, politicians and citizens “about the history, tactics and legacy of this powerful union,” according to a website, WorkplaceChoice.org, sponsored by the group.
TSA Flouts Law With Vague Rule on Body Scanners
CEI and Robert L. Crandall, former chairman and CEO of AMR and American Airlines, submitted joint comments to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regarding the agency’s deployment of whole-body imaging scanners in airports. The comment letter criticized the TSA’s failure to comply with the D.C. Circuit’s order to produce a legislative rule and conduct a legitimate cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment.
“TSA proposes a vague rule that does not notify passengers of their rights and obligations, as required under the Administrative Procedure Act and the D.C. Circuit’s order,” said Marc Scribner, CEI Fellow in Land-use and Transportation Studies.