CEI Today: Peak oil fallacy, Windsorgate ensnares another EPA official, and the myth of UK austerity

Today in the News


Huffington Post: Belief In Peak Oil Logically Implies Failure Of Alternative Energy

One of the most persistent beliefs among proponents of alternative energy is that we are in danger of running out of fossil fuels. [But this] ignores the role economics plays in shaping supply and demand, it completely discounts the power of human ingenuity to come up with novel ways to solve problems, and it has been repeatedly refuted by the facts.

Next time you hear a Peak Oil alarmist prophesying doom, calm him down by pointing out that if natural energy resources were to ever run dry, we would already be living in an alternative solar-windmill-algae cheap energy nirvana.



Daily Caller: Windsor Knot Tightens; Another EPA official using private email

Yet another top Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official used a personal email address to conduct government business, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) disclosures reveal.

The email was discovered within a tranche of thousands of emails from Jackson’s alias email account disclosed by the EPA earlier this month in response to a FOIA request by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).



Openmarket.org: The Myth Of British Austerity, And Why It Was Concocted

Opposition to spending cuts in America has been based heavily on “the myth of British austerity,” even though “if the British government is practicing austerity it is hard to see,” since government spending still consumes half of Britain’s GDP, and government spending there is virtually unchanged.