CEI Weekly: CEI FOIA Request Reveals Relationship Between Treasury Department and GM
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
CEI Weekly
June 3, 2011
>>Featured Story
In its now-infamous 2010 ad campaign, General Motors misleadingly claimed it had repaid all of its government loans. After the ads aired, CEI filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Treasury Department for documents pertaining to the ads. The Treasury stalled for nearly a year; but finally, last week, they released documents that demonstrate a close, coordinated partnership between GM and the Treasury on PR strategy. Read CEI’s statement on the released documents here.
>>Shaping the Debate
Not So Cool Rules
Wayne Crews’ citation in The Wall Street Journal
Union Outrage
Vincent Vernuccio’s interview on Fox Business
Official Time: Good Value for the Taxpayer? (Video / PDF)
Vincent Vernuccio’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee
Use of “Official Time” for Union Activity is Scrutinized
Vincent Vernuccio’s citation in The Washington Post
CEI Replies to Consumers United For Rail Equity
Marc Scribner’s comments before the Surface Transportation Board
Unsportsmanlike Conduct on the NFL Players Union
Iain Murray’s op-ed in The Washington Examiner
Green Won’t Glow if Germany Shuts Down Nukes
Chris Horner’s citation in The Orange County Register
Michigan Target of EPA Carbon Diktat
Chris Horner’s citation in The Detroit News
Washington Declares War on Debit Cards
John Berlau’s citation in Scripps Howard News Service
Most Back Higher Fuel Efficiency Standards
Marlo Lewis’ citation in The Toledo Blade
Real Beneficiaries of the Stimulus
Hans Bader’s letter to the editor in The Washington Times
>>Best of the Blogs
Official Time: Union Activity on the Taxpayer‘s Dime
By Ivan Osorio
An Alaskan Mining Project: One Example of How Environmental Regulations Are Strangling the U.S. Economy
By Myron Ebell
The Case Against the Clean Energy Deployment Administration, a.k.a the Green Bank
By William Yeatman
New York City Health Officials: No Fun For Adults
by Michelle Minton
>> CEI Podcast
May 31, 2011: FDA Rescinds Approval of Breast Cancer Drug
Senior Fellow Greg Conko breaks down the fight over Avastin, a drug used to treat several types of cancer. The FDA is poised to rescind Avastin’s approval for treating breast cancer. It will retain its approval for other cancers. This will make life difficult, and possibly shorter, for some breast cancer patients. Conko believes this battle boils down to one question: who decides which treatments patients can use? Will it be the FDA, or doctors and patients?