CEI Weekly: CEI Scores Latest Congressional Labor Vote
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
CEI Weekly
June 17, 2011
>>Featured Story
As part of the ongoing Congressional Labor Scorecard project, CEI labor policy analysts this week scored a significant House vote on mandatory Project Labor Agreements (PLAs). In 2009, President Obama signed an Executive Order encouraging federal agencies to only hire construction firms that sign PLAs; but now, many congressmen recognize that PLAs increase contract costs and heavily favor unionized firms. This week, the House voted on a bill that would disallow mandatory PLAs. Read more about PLAs and the Congressional Labor Scorecard Project on WorkplaceChoice.org.
>>Shaping the Debate
To Stimulate Economy, End Abuse of Antitrust
Wayne Crews‘ column in Forbes
Will Sen. Inhofe’s New Energy Advisor Moderate the Raging Climate Skeptic?
Myron Ebell‘s citation in The New York Times Online
What the Boeing Company Teaches Us About Right to Work
Vincent Vernuccio‘s op-ed in Townhall
GOP’s “Durbin Dozen” Keeps Dodd-Frank Price Controls
John Berlau‘s op-ed in Newsmax
Set Free Our Risktakers
CEI‘s citation in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Bailout a Bust?
John Berlau‘s radio interview on America Family Radio
Think Tank Applauds Location Privacy Legislation
Ryan Radia‘s press statement on the GPS Act
>>Best of the Blogs
Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Collective Bargaining Law, Reversing Lower Court Ruling Striking it Down
By Hans Bader
FDA Should Not Mandate Comparative Effectiveness Trials
By Greg Conko
Remembering Roger MacBride
By R.J. Smith
Tea Party vs. Tea Partly
By Wayne Crews
Did the 34 GOP Senators Break the Taxpayer Protection Pledge? No!
By Marlo Lewis
On “Fracking,” President Boxes in Himself, America
By William Yeatman
>> CEI Podcast
June 15. 2011: Do ATMs Kill Jobs?
In a recent NBC interview, President Obama blamed ATMs for taking away bank tellers’ jobs, and computerized airline check-in kiosks for eliminating aviation jobs. Communications Coordinator Lee Doren points out that innovation doesn’t affect the number of jobs so much as the types of jobs. Accomplishing more while using less labor is actually the key to prosperity. People looking for an explanation for today’s high unemployment need to look elsewhere.