CEI Weekly: Federal Handouts Can’t Save Solar Energy Industry

CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.

  CEI Weekly

December 30, 2011

>>Featured Story

The solar industry is a favorite of the federal government–but so far, the industry has proved to be an expensive dud. This week, CEI Energy Policy Analyst William Yeatman appeared on Fox Business’ Cavuto to argue that the Obama administration is propping up solar companies to score political points, effectively putting taxpayers on the line for unsustainable job creation and inefficient energy production. Watch William Yeatman’s full interview above or at this link.


>> Shaping the Debate

Britain’s Future Lies With America, Not Europe
Iain Murray and James C. Bennett’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal Europe

UAW Speaks More Softly, Still Carries Big Stick
Vincent Vernuccio’s op-ed in The Tennessean
Stoking Fears About No More Tears
Dana Joel Gattuso’s op-ed in The Washington Times

Another Record-Breaking Federal Register? Federal Regulations Surge in 2011
Wayne Crews’ op-ed in Big Government

Mandatory GMO Food Labeling Implies Risks Where There Are None
Greg Conko and Henry I. Miller’s citation in Farm Press Blog

>> Best of the Blogs

Boom & Bust Madness: An Empirical Look at the Fed’s Dollar Binge
By Matthew Melchiorre

Update on Fight Against EPA’s Regional Haze Power Grab
By William Yeatman

America’s Businesses Get It: Immigration is Good
By David Bier

Global Government: The Third Ring in the Climate Change Circus
By Marita Noon

>> CEI Podcast

December 29, 2011: A Record Year for Regulation

Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews talks about why 2011 was a record year for both new regulations and their cost. He also talks about his efforts to make the opaque regulatory state more transparent. Besides his annual “Ten Thousand Commandments” report, Wayne has started a new TenThousandCommandments.com website to update regulatory data in real time. There is a also a 10KC Twitter account and a Facebook page to make it as easy as possible to keep an eye on what regulatory agencies are up to.