CEI Weekly: Obama’s State of the Union Fails to Impress


CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.

CEI Weekly

January 27, 2012

>>Featured Story

FEATURE: Obama’s State of the Union Fails to Impress

On Tuesday night, President Obama addressed the nation in his 2012 State of the Union. Read CEI experts’ commentary on the speech, below.

Iain Murray: An America Built to Last? President Obama Wants an Economy Built for Last Place
Wayne Crews: Who’s the Biggest Regulator: Bush or Obama?
Ryan Young: Liveblogging the State of the Union
Hans Bader: Five Million Missing Jobs Haunt  Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Address
Hans Bader: Obama, the Outsourcer-in-Chief
William Yeatman: SOTU: Obama’s Inapt Comparison of Fracking to Renewables
William Yeatman: SOTU: Obama’s Sleight of Hand on Oil Production Data
Greg Conko: Obama, Scientific Integrity, and the State of the Union
Chris Horner: SOTU: The Inanity of All of the Above


Romney and the Burden of Double Taxation
John Berlau and Trey Kovacs’ op-ed in The Wall Street Journal

When ‘Being Green’ Means Subsidies for Rich, Harm for Poor
Iain Murray and David Bier’s op-ed in The Washington Examiner

President Obama’s State of the Union? Hyper-Regulated
Wayne Crews’ column in Forbes

A Really Inconvenient Truth Is Earth Is Not Warming After All
Matt Patterson’s op-ed in The Washington Examiner

Ethanol Subsidies: Down But Not Out
Marlo Lewis’ op-ed in Human Events

Social Security: The Birth of Big Brother
Matt Patterson’s op-ed in The Washington Times

Graduate Law Schools, Lawyers, and the Public Interest
Hans Bader’s letter to the editor in The Wall Street Journal

>> Best of the Blogs

The Case Against “Drilling for Roads”
By Marc Scribner

Energy-Efficient Windows: Guilty of First-Degree Melting
By Jackie Moreau

Regulation of the Day 207: Cold Medicine
By Ryan Young

The Silver Platypus
By Jack Mann