Energy Taxes, Tap vs. Bottled Water and Gov. Crist’s War on Florida Homeowners

Debate intensifies over the Waxman-Markey climate bill.

Minneapolis launches an advertising campaign to persuade residents to drink tap water in stead of bottled water.

Florida Governor Charlie Crist vetoes the Consumer Choice Insurance Bill.

For more news, listen to the LibertyWeek podcast here.


Debate intensifies over the Waxman-Markey climate bill.

CEI Expert Available to Comment: Director of Energy and Global Warming Policy Myron Ebell on why the legislation is a jobs killer: 

“For starters, the bill’s sneaky, indirect tax is still a tax – and a huge one. This would vastly increase fossil-fuel prices – which would make greens happy by making higher-priced alternatives such as wind power competitive, but would make Americans as a whole miserable, by forcing us to use less energy and pay much more for it. Realize, too, that almost every recession of the last 60 years, including today’s mess, has followed a sharp rise in energy prices. Why would we want lawmakers to mandate a recession?” 



Minneapolis launches an advertising campaign to persuade residents to drink tap water in stead of bottled water.

CEI Expert Available to Comment: Director of Risk and Environmental Policy Angela Logomasini on the waste of taxpayer money

“Cities around the nation are spending thousands in taxpayer dollars to promote tap water because of the alleged environmental problems with bottled water. But these campaigns just go to show how silly the issue has become. Minneapolis recently dropped $75,000 just to build a website encouraging people to drink only tap water. A college kid probably could have put up a site just as useful with a few hundred bucks. But governments are not that efficient! The site is part of a total $180,000 paid to a public relations firm to address this ‘pressing’ issue.” 



Florida Governor Charlie Crist vetoes the Consumer Choice Insurance Bill.

CEI Expert Available to Comment: Senior Fellow Eli Lehrer on the what Gov. Crist’s action means for residents of Florida: 

“Charlie Crist has declared war on Florida homeowners. He is taking away choices, taking away the market, and taking away freedom. He is working against Floridians’ interests. This is a sad day for the state.” 


Listen to LibertyWeek, the CEI podcast, here.