Rep. Jackson, Baby Bottles, and Alcohol Regulation
Today in the News
Rep. Jackson
Rep. Jesse Jackson wants Constitutional Amendments guaranteeing the rights to a home, health care, and education.
Fellow in Regulatory Studies Ryan Young and Research Associate Jacqueline Otto respond to Jackson in The American Spectator.
“Jackson asks, ‘What would that do for home construction in this nation? What would that do for millions of unemployed people?’ The Constitution should also be amended to guarantee the right to decent health care. Jackson implores, ‘How many doctors would such a right create?’ Education needs an amendment, too. ‘How many schools would such a right build, from Maine to California?’ Jackson goes on to wonder how many jobs would be created by giving every student an iPad and a laptop. Suppose that poverty really can be abolished by passing a few laws. Jackson isn’t going nearly far enough, then. The Constitution should guarantee everyone not just a decent home, but a mansion filled with servants to take care of every need.”
The Oregon Senate voted recently to ban the use of Bisphenol A (BPA) in several products, including plasticized baby bottles.
Director of Risk and Environmental Safety Angela Logomasini says that the Oregon vote may jeopardize food safety.
“This anti-BPA legislation is based on environmental activists’ wrongheaded claims that BPA poses unreasonable risk to human health, specifically to children, although the overwhelming body of research suggests otherwise. Ironically, these policies threaten to undermine food safety because BPA is used to make resins that line metal cans and other packaging to prevent development of dangerous pathogens and other contamination. And there are few good alternatives should lawmakers eventually ban BPA. According to a World Health Organization report: ‘[A]t present, there appears to be no single replacement for BPA for all food contact applications. Furthermore, data on the safety of some of these replacement materials are limited or non-existent.’ In other words, misguided bans of BPA in food packaging could have serious, adverse public health implications.”
Alcohol Regulation Roundup
Policy Analyst Michelle Minton goes over the latest changes in alcohol regulations around the country. Read “Alcohol Regulation Roundup” here.