Salt, Canadian Oil Imports, and Fitted Sheets
Today in the News
First Lady Michelle Obama has been lobbying food manufacturers to lower the sodium content in their products.
Research Associates Jacqueline Otto and Luke Pelican comment.
“It is foolhardy for politicians to lump all individual cases together and make prescriptions for society at large that will limit individual choice and raise our cost of living. The European Project on Genes scientists agreed, noting their conclusions ‘do also not support the current recommendations of a generalized and indiscriminate reduction of salt intake at the population level.’ The war on salt is one more way in which politicians are trying to get between you, your children, and your doctor—in this case by removing options from store shelves. Moyer is correct to call for an end to the war on salt—but that is just a skirmish in the larger fight over consumer liberty.”
Canadian Oil Imports
A new study published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Canada’s Fraser Institute touts the benefits of oil trade with Canada.
Senior Fellow Marlo Lewis comments.
“U.S. and global demand for oil are going to increase over the next 15 years even if biofuels and electric vehicles achieve unexpected breakthroughs. Consequently, restricting oil imports from Canada will simply increase U.S. oil imports from unsavory regimes where corruption is the norm, environmental safeguards are weak, autocrats brutally suppress dissent, and the equality of women is denied.”
Fitted Sheets
California state lawmakers will soon consider a law that would force hotels to use fitted sheets on beds.
Fellow in Regulatory Studies Ryan Young comments.
“It is unclear why a law is necessary to require California hotels to use fitted sheets. Hotels that don’t already have them would be forced to take a financial hit at a time when business is down. SB 432 is hardly an engine of job creation. California is one of the few states with a full-time legislature. Perhaps they should consider becoming part-time. Giving them less time to satisfy their urge to regulate unimportant business decisions in astonishing detail could only help California’s ailing economy.”