Sen. Malcolm Wallop, and the Federal Register

Today in the News

Malcolm Wallop

Former Senator Malcolm Wallop died last week.

Director of the Center for Energy and the Environment Myron Ebell honors the late Sen. Wallop.

“Malcolm was a hero of mine long before I knew him, and so it was a great privilege to work for him after he retired from the Senate in 1995 and to become his friend. After I worked for Malcolm and got to know him, I admired him even more. I loved working for him, as I expect all of his Senate staffers did. He was unfailingly polite and considerate, intellectually engaging, and entirely positive. Malcolm had a healthy sense of his own worth, but entirely lacked the swollen head that afflicts many Senators.”


Federal Register

This year’s Federal Register is on track to be 80,190 pages long.

Fellow in Regulatory Studies Ryan Young comments.

“If this pace keeps up, this year’s Register will make for slightly easier reading than 2010, which set a new record with an 81,405 adjusted page count. Think about that for a second. 160,000 pages in two years. Even Stephen King couldn’t write that much. Amazing that so many people claim this or that part of the economy is unregulated. With 165,000 pages already in the Code of Federal Regulations and more coming every day, it just ain’t so.”