Senate Vote on NLRB Ambush Election Rule, Free Market Fisheries, and the Cyber Intelligence Bill

Today in the News

LABOR UNION POLITICS – VINCENT VERNUCCIO CEI to Score Senate Vote on NLRB Ambush Election Rule

In December the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a rule to expedite unionization elections to as little as 10 days from the average of about a month. This “ambush election rule” allows union bosses—who in most cases have secretly campaigned for months—to spring elections on workers and employers before either has a fair chance to learn their rights. Job creators are left with little time to explain their views to employees.

To repeal the NLRB’s ambush election rule, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo) has introduced S.J. Res 26, the Joint Resolution of Disapproval of the NLRB Ambush Election Rule. By using the Congressional Review Act and the legislative powers granted to them by Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution, Congress can stop the unaccountable federal bureaucrats at the NLRB. > Read more at


OCEAN FISHERIES – ANDREW LANGER & IAIN MURRAY A free-market solution for fisheries

Today, the world’s ocean fisheries are an extremely valuable commonly held resource that is a source of great environmental concern. That is because it’s not just domestic producers who are putting pressure on a depleted resource as they seek to extract its riches. America’s fishermen are up against the world’s. Can the principles of private conservation be applied here as well?

Government steps out of the way and owners are allowed to be the stewards of the resources on which their livelihoods depend. The principles of property rights, free markets and environmental conservation all come together. And it seems to be working. > Read the full commentary on


CYBER INTELLIGENCE & SHARING BILL – RYAN RADIA Free Market Coalition: Amend CISPA to Preserve Freedom, Prevent Gov’t Overreach

The House of Representatives is expected to vote next week on the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (“CISPA”). The Competitive Enterprise Institute and TechFreedom have joined with FreedomWorks, Americans for Limited Government, the Liberty Coalition, and Al Cardenas, Chairman of the American Conservative Union, in sending a letter to Congress identifying several significant problems with the bill as drafted and urging recommendations to alleviate those concerns.

CISPA aims to help companies defend against cyber attacks by facilitating the sharing of cyber threat information among government agencies and the private sector. Despite the bill’s noble intentions, however, it risks unduly expanding federal power, undermining freedom of contract, and harming U.S. competitiveness in the technology sector.