The Competitive Enterprise Institute Daily Update

Issues in the News



A small group of U.S. House members is proposing new federal rules for disposal of old computer parts and electronic components – a recycling mandate for so-called “e-waste.”

From CEI: Adjunct Analyst Dana Joel Gattuso on the costly and inefficient results of e-waste recycling mandates.



A group of representatives from the Arctic areas of several countries is petitioning the EU for greater aid based on the premise that global warming is disturbing their way of life.

From CEI: Adjunct Analyst Steven Milloy and Senior Fellow Christopher C. Horner on similar demands made recently by North American Inuit representatives.



National ID cards are being proposed in the UK (to combat identity theft), and their functional equivalent has been approved by Congress (to counter illegal immigration).

From CEI: The Liberty Coalition recently sent a joint letter to U.S. Senators opposing the Real ID Act, of which CEI was a signatory.



Medicare officials fear paperwork difficulties could cause problems for the new prescription drug subsidies scheduled to begin next year.

From CEI: President Fred L. Smith, Jr. on who will ultimately bear the burden of increasing Medicare costs.



The House yesterday approved two new bills to deal with spyware by fining creators of malicious code, and imprisoning anyone who “intentionally impairs” a computer’s security.

From CEI: Technology Counsel Braden Cox on why the government should focus on enforcing current laws rather than passing new legislation.