The Competitive Enterprise Institute Daily Update

Issues in the News



Senators express skepticism over a proposal to mandate a national ID card.

CEI Experts Available to Comment: Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews on the drawbacks to federalizing ID standards:

“The first troubling aspect of the license provisions is the requirement that states link their identity databases and join a proposed interstate compact dubbed the “Driver License Agreement.” This would enable states and provinces of Mexico and Canada to join in this database without further input from the Congress. Making Americans’ sensitive identity information available to foreign government officials is not a sensible or coherent method for making Americans safe.”



Car company CEOs meet with President Bush to discuss alternative fuels and fuel economy regulations.

CEI Experts Available to Comment: General Counsel Sam Kazman on the rationale behind federal mileage standards:

“[The program] known as CAFE (for corporate average fuel economy) has accomplished very little of benefit. CAFE, it is claimed, was responsible for doubling the miles per gallon of new vehicles during the 1980s, but it has allegedly stagnated in recent years. Fuel-hungry SUVs have boomed in popularity, and consumers have reverted to their supposedly bad habit of ignoring fuel economy in favor of larger size and more horsepower. The reins on automakers, we’re told, need to be tightened.”



Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) vows to block any global warming legislation that doesn’t require the participation of emerging economies like China and India.

CEI Expert Available to Comment: Senior Fellow Iain Murray on where the major developing nations stand now: 

“Q: What will the Kyoto Protocol do to reduce warming? A: The Kyoto Protocol, most observers agree, will have virtually no effect on temperature increase, as it imposes no restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions upon major developing nations like China and India. These nations have publicly refused to accept any restrictions now or in the future.”