The State of the Union, Drilling for Roads, and Social Security

Today in the News


Daily Caller: Who’s the bigger regulator, Bush or Obama?

During his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Barack Obama got applause for acknowledging that some federal regulations are outdated, unnecessary or costly.

He went on to claim, “In fact, I’ve approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my presidency than my Republican predecessor did in his.” That’s technically true: President George W. Bush did issue more final rules during the first three years of his presidency than President Obama has during his first three years. The data I’ve posted here at the Ten Thousand Commandments page, and in the chart below, make that fairly clear. President Bush wasn’t much of a de-regulator.

But President Obama’s claim that he’s less of a regulator than Bush is misleading, assuming the Federal Register online database is correct, particularly with respect to its alarming aggregation of economically significant rules.

Read the full Daily Caller commentary:


OBAMA SOTU on CORPORATE TAXES, OUTSOURCING – HANS BADER Obama’s False Claims about Outsourcing and Corporate Taxes in the State of the Union Address

President Obama has spent billions of dollars in taxpayer money on subsidizing foreign firms through his failed “green energy” programs, so it was ironic and hypocritical when he attacked outsourcing in his State of the Union address. As former congressional economist Chris Edwards notes, Obama made many blatantly false claims about outsourcing and corporate taxation in his speech.


TRANSPORTATION FORUM, JAN. 30 – MARC SCRIBNER Case Against “Drilling for Roads”

This coming Monday, January 30, CEI will hold a Capitol Hill briefing regarding recent congressional proposals to fund federal surface transportation investments by directing into the Highway Trust Fund revenue raised from expanded energy production. This is widely known as “drilling for roads.” While we certainly support expanding domestic oil and gas drilling, there are major problems with such a proposal. I previously blogged on this topic here and here.

If the federal government is going to continue funding highways at the level that it currently does, it will need additional revenue. The current program faces several major challenges.

> View the full commentary on



Washington Examiner: A really inconvenient truth is Earth not melting after all

The Washington Times: Social Security: The birth of Big Brother,FDR’s 1935 law altered direction from liberty to bankruptcy