Senate Committees Take Up Climate Tax , Kerry-Boxer Fiasco Is a Job Killer


Senate Committees Take Up Climate Tax
Kerry-Boxer Fiasco Is a Job Killer

Washington, D.C., November 10, 2009— Two Senate committees on Tuesday hold hearings on energy-rationing legislation that would be the biggest tax increase in world history if enacted and would cause millions of jobs to be lost in the American economy.  The Senate Finance Committee and Energy and Natural Resources Committee are moving forward immediately after the Environment and Public Works Committee passed out the Kerry-Boxer bill, S. 1733, without a single Republican vote last Thursday.

“The Kerry-Boxer bill is within the jurisdiction of the Finance Committee because it is a tax bill.  In fact, Kerry-Boxer would be the largest tax increase in world history,” said Myron Ebell, CEI Director of Energy and Global Warming Policy. “While Senators Kerry and Boxer talk about creating clean energy jobs, they fail to mention that raising energy prices will cause many more Americans to lose their jobs.  Higher energy prices means that people will have less money to spend on everything else—restaurants, entertainment, travel, clothing, electronics, cars, houses, and food.

“As the Finance Committee takes up Kerry-Boxer, big business special interests are lining up at the trough to grab as many free ration coupons as they can.  Consumers will end up paying so that corporations can make hundreds of billions of dollars of windfall profits,” Ebell concluded.

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