OCR to Frostburg State University: Common Sense, ‘Reasonable Person’ Standard Violate Title IX
EEOC to Gadsden Flag Lovers: Shut Up or Face Costly Lawsuits
Libertarian think tanks have been known to distribute lapel pins that display the Gadsden flag, reading “Don’t Tread on Me.”…
Senate Democrats Block Anti-Zika Bill Yet Again
Democrats in the Senate have blocked a bill that would have provided federal funds to combat the spread of the Zika virus, reports The Hill.
Obamacare Shrinks Economy through Medicaid Expansion and Tax Credit Cliffs
Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid reduced employment in those states that participated in it by a statistically significant extent, according to a recent study by Georgetown’s…
Washington Times
Court rules government can’t use private emails to hide from transparency
The Washington Times reports on the court's ruling in CEI's FOIA case against the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The case of…
D.C. Government’s Transgender Guide Pressures Businesses to Violate Free Speech
The District of Columbia is now pressuring businesses to violate free speech in bizarre ways in the name of transgender rights.