Return to moon program scrapped. Good.
Does positive thinking lead to positive outcomes?
John Stossel salutes my swine flu work
[Herewith his blog for Fox Business, titled “Swine Flu Hysteria.” I agree with him about the pharmaceutical companies. As I’ve written elsewhere, in…
Why scientific arguments don’t go very far anymore
Do vaccines cause autism? Here’s your answer. Jenny McCarthy, by virtue of being a former Playboy Playmate who claims her son had autism but that…
Flu Update Jan. 29: What Swine Flu ISN’t Doing
Deaths down, hospitalizations down, infections reported to CDC-surveillance labs down. Again the usual disclaimer that this probably represents a time lag in reporting and…
Brit M.D. who tied MMR vaccine to autism acted “dishonestly and irresponsibly”
The doctor who first suggested a link between MMR vaccinations and autism – and subsequently made rates of measles and other diseases skyrocket – acted…