News Release
America Needs More Immigrant Entrepreneurs
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 28, 2013 – As Labor Day approaches, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is spotlighting one of the hardest working groups of…
Is It Time to Fire the House and Senate Intelligence Committees
But instead of being given a voice, opponents of giving the NSA more power through CISPA were ridiculed by the Committee. Chairman Rogers (R-MI)…
Sen. David Vitter raising more questions about EPA’s use of personal email accounts
The email between Jackson and the Siemens’ official was obtained by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a group that opposes what it says is overregulation by…
News Release
Unhappy Anniversary: A Year of Treasury Department Stonewalling
WASHINGTON, D.C, Aug. 7, 2013 – Today marks one year since the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed two Freedom of Information Act requests for documents…
‘Universal’ Health Care Universally Loathed
Once upon a time labor unions and all their Labor Bosses loved Obamacare. But not anymore. Unions are slowly opening their eyes and accepting the…