Live Streaming at 11:00 AM EDT — Securing Property Rights in Space
On Thursday, April 5, the Competitive Enterprise Institute will host a Capitol Hill briefing to introduce a new study by Adjunct Scholar Rand…
Tech News World
EU Puts Motorola on the Hot Seat
From Erika Morphy's article in E-Commerce Times: These days, the reaction to any complaint about patent infringement — especially in the mobility space…
CBS Seattle
Will Apple’s Staggering Growth One Day Be Its Undoing?
From Candice Lee Hefland's article for CBS Seattle: “Saturation is not a huge concern. If anything, Apple devices will continue to proliferate a…
ARS Technica
Witnesses Warn Verizon-Comcast Deal Will Damage Competition
From Timothy B. Lee's article on ArsTechnica: We asked Ryan Radia, an analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, to comment on the hearing.
Orange County Register
EDITORIAL: Don’t Throw the E-Book at Apple
From The Orange County Register's editorial: So far, the ebook market actually is dominated by's Kindle device, Ryan Radia told us; he's…
Reply Comments to FCC Re: Verizon Wireless Application to Acquire Spectrum Licenses
Full Document Available in PDF Executive Summary: The Federal Communications Commission should approve the applications of Verizon Wireless to acquire spectrum licenses…