Fox News
EPA Email Scandal Worse Than First Thought
We’re not talking about some alias to be used for personal correspondence but a totally false identity in whose name official business was allegedly conducted…
Daily Caller
House Republicans try again for EPA ‘Richard Windsor’ email records
“The common thread running through EPA’s behavior to date regarding the false-identity account we discovered is that the Agency has no intention of coming clean,…
National Review
Lisa Jackson’s Gadfly
Chris Horner is the gadfly determined to force the Obama administration to live up to its professed commitment to transparency. Having exposed outgoing EPA administrator…
Washington Examiner
Issa demands EPA reveal all secret email accounts
Chris Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which filed the lawsuit that led to the release of the Richard Windsor emails, criticized the EPA…
Washington Examiner
New mysteries in EPA’s Windsorgate scandal
Because EPA released thousands of emails that failed to satisfy the court's order, Horner said, "this response is deeply troubling and seems to have gravely…
CNS News
Released EPA Administrator’s Non-Public Emails Called ‘Deeply Troubling’
Chris Horner of the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute says he discovered Jackson's "false identity" while doing research for his book, "The Liberal War on Transparency.”…