Sudden Acceleration in Media Falsehoods Regarding Toyota
“Now that the dust has begun to settle on Toyota’s recall fiasco, it’s being made clear that the toll on human life was greater than…
“No More Crying ’Spanish Flu’,” my article in Forbes
What’s that? Your throat feels sore? You’re sniffling and sneezing? Bit achy? IT’S THE RETURN OF THE SPANISH FLU! Okay, that’s satire–but not by much.
Kellogg’s Flaky Reasoning (the foundation)
The Toyota Hobgoblin, my piece in today’s Philly Inquirer
‘The whole aim of practical politics,” wrote H.L. Mencken, “is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing…
The NEW reason for fomenting pig flu panic – “Use up those vaccines!”
According to Reuters, the U.S. has 71 million unused H1N1 swine flu vaccine doses. And damned if it isn’t determined to use up every…
Waxman baseball tobacco ban not worth chewing on
Major League Baseball should ban players from using smokeless tobacco in dugouts and on the field because of its health risks and influence on kids,…