Green Crony Capitalism
"Green" jobs Created by the stimulus are shutting down after the public money has dried up. CEI Senior Fellow Chris Horner explains how many jobs would…
Orange County Register
Green Jobs Revealed as Fiscal Black Hole
Orange County Register
Costly Red Tape for Energy Providers
CEI Senior Fellow Chris Horner explains that when the EPA tries to impose stricter emissions rules on energy companies, the costs are transferred to the…
Red State
$500,000 of Green for Green Jobs, Red for the Rest of Us
WaPo Gets its Pinocchio on for Dishonest ‘Warming’ Attack on Perry
“I do believe that the issue of global warming has been politicized. I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated…
Christopher Horner Discussing Oil Prices, Presidential Energy Policies on The Flipside on CNNfn
BODY: KATHLEEN HAYS, CNNfn ANCHOR, THE FLIPSIDE: Welcome to THE FLIPSIDE. I’m Kathleen Hays. Joining me are JJ Ramberg and Regina Lewis. We’re going to…