Reinventing Superfund: The Clinton Reform Proposal and an Alternative
Executive Summary Superfund has been universally criticized as an expensive, largely ineffective environmental cleanup program. Even if it worked as intended,…
The High Cost Of Cool: The Economic Impact of the CFC Phaseout
Full Document Available…
Instrastate Trucking: Stronghold of the Regulators
The deregulatory wave of the 1970s and early 1980s freed the railroads, the airlines, air cargo carriers, and interstate trucking and buses from the…
Pick a Number
Full Study Available in PDF How much would you be willing to pay for an…
A Free-Market Environmental Vision
Full Chapter Available in PDF Format Executive Summary There is one environmental vision, and only one, that is compatible…
Fire in Paradise: The Yellowstone Fires and the Politics of Environmentalism
ON AUGUST 20, 1988–A DAY THAT came to be known as “Black Saturday”–about 160,000 acres were consumed by fires in the greater Yellowstone Park…