Pass the Whale Oil: Will Politicians Leave New England in the Dark?
One of the greatest features of our federal system is the ability of each state to act as a “laboratory of democracy”, to…
Washington Times
Bush Stands by Nominee’s Credentials
Washington Times
Republican Activists Slam Miers Nomination
US Rejection of Kyoto at Heart of States’ Climate Pact
Sir, The Atlantic rarely seems a greater divide than when discussing climate change and the Kyoto protocol. This is increasingly apparent in the case of…
A Better Environmental Treaty
Please allow me to add to James Glassman's excellent analysis of how the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, which the United…
Short-Term Memory
An unwitting yet hideous example of the politically correct, “can't-we-move-on” short memories of the elites exposed in Tony Blankley's spot-on analysis “Short memories,…