Bureaucrash’s Pete Eyre in the DC Examiner
Today’s DC Examiner features a (very) brief interview with Bureaucrash Crasher-in-Chief Pete Eyre, in which he explains how the new Bureaucrash Social network helps libertarian activists around the world get, and stay, in touch, and share ideas.
Peter Eyre first came to the Washington area as an intern for the Cato Institute, and he’s now the “crasher-in-chief” of Bureaucrash, a Libertarian-minded organization that spreads its political leanings by interrupting protests that favor what the group sees as big government action. Bureaucrash, which is now part of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, runs a social networking site that’s designed to bring together Libertarians from all over the world.
Is being based in Washington important for Bureaucrash?
We’ve been involved in getting our message out at protests internationally, but in the past few years we have become more D.C.-centric, and that was part of why we moved into D.C. It’s the seat of government, and there are plenty of opportunities to crash protests that favor a big government here. But we’re committed to the fact that we’re fighting for the rights of anyone, anywhere. People in some countries can feel isolated, and we want those people to know they have rights, too.
What have you done recently?
On [Nov. 6] we had a rally outside the Egyptian cultural center in D.C. for [an Egyptian] blogger who was thrown in jail for speaking out against the government. Egypt receives a lot of funding from the United States, and we wanted to put a spotlight on the possibility of American taxpayers paying for the Egyptian government to jail this man.
How did you get involved?
I started getting involved with Bureaucrash a few years ago, participating in crashes. It’s fun. We show up to rallies, say one in favor of a bill that would expand the scope of government, and we use things like street theater, T-shirts and signs to inject our outlook into the conversation. We take equal stabs at the left and the right and believe when the government is large, it takes away the freedom in our lives.