CEI Weekly: CEI Launches “Resourceful Earth” Project
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
CEI Weekly
June 24, 2011
>>Featured Story
CEI’s new grassroots website, Resourceful Earth, is an educational project designed to better inform the public about natural resource production. The site includes updates on special interest attempts to block new energy projects and comprehensive rebuttals to disinformation campaigns about natural resources. Read more about the new project here.
>>Shaping the Debate
There’s No “Average” Cancer Patient
Greg Conko’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal
FOIA Request to Department of Transportation
Marc Scribner’s request letter, filed on behalf of CEI
Catching Air Without NASA: How Will We Regulate Commercial Space Flight
Wayne Crews’ column in Forbes
Regulators Should Regulate Economy, Not Intervene In It
Ryan Young and Jacqueline Otto’s op-ed in The Daily Caller
My Mother-in-Law is Owed an Apology
Ryan Young’s op-ed in The American Spectator
Republicans, Employers Cry Foul on New Labor Dept, NLRB Rules
Vincent Vernuccio’s op-ed in The Daily Caller
Liberate ATMs and Credit Unions to Jumpstart Jobs
John Berlau’s blog post in Big Government
Bachmann, Pawlenty, and the 20,000 Millionaires Myth
John Berlau’s op-ed in National Review Online
Upton: The House Will Vote to Bring Back the Bulb
Myron Ebell’s citation in The Detroit News
Obama Urges Use of Foreign Capital Boost
John Berlau’s citation in The Washington Times
FCC Aims to Get Carriers’ Sticky Fingers Out of Customers’ Pockets
Ryan Radia’s citation in TechNewsWorld
>>Best of the Blogs
Taxpayers vs. the Post Office Bureaucracy
By Vincent Vernuccio
A Definition of Unsustainable: A Long-Term Budget Outlook
By Iain Murray
Improve Americans’ Physical and Fiscal Health: Cut Out the FDA
By Michelle Minton
That Footnote in Yesterday’s Global Warming Ruling
By Sam Kazman
>> CEI Podcast
Bunker fuel is a heavy fuel used by large ships around the world. Oil tankers, container ships, and more rely on bunker fuel because it’s cheaper than other kinds of fuel. Land Use and Transportation Policy Analyst Marc Scribner takes a look at new environmental regulations in California intended to reduce bunker fuel usage. The rules are actually causing many ships to use more bunker fuel, not less. If proposed fixes succeed, the result would essentially be a tariff on most global trade — a $16 trillion industry.