CEI Weekly: Congress Bails Out State Teachers’ Unions
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the Weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
>>Congress Bails Out State Teachers’ Unions
This week the House voted to funnel more federal money to public employee unions. The $10 billion “Education Jobs Fund” will be set aside to bailout state teachers’ unions, who earlier this year received $53.5 billion. Labor Policy Analyst Vincent Vernuccio slammed the bailout in his recent American Spectator op-ed, calling it “payback” for the unions’ support for Democratic candidates. Senior Counsel Hans Bader also criticized the teachers’ bailout on OpenMarket.
Read more at The Washington Examiner.
>>[Video] Chris Horner of the Politics of Cap and Trade on Fox Business
>>Shaping the Debate
Before Net Neutrality Eats the World
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