CEI Weekly: EPA Ponders Axing Whistleblower’s Department
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the Weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
>CEI Weekly
August 28, 2009
>>EPA contemplates shutting down the NCEE, where whistleblower, Alan Carlin, worked.
>Upon learning of the news, CEI published a news release and Sam Kazman wrote a blog emphasizing the need for NCEE
>A Detroit News editorial recaps on the EPA cover-up of Carlin’s report.
>An editorial in the Washington Times writes on the contradiction that will be created by the Obama Administration if it marginalizes the NCEE because of Carlin’s whistle blowing.
>>Shaping the Debate
Labeling Won’t Make Water Safer
Angela Logomasini’s Op-ed in the Detroit News
Nanotechnology: Innovation vs. Corporate Welfare
Ryan Young’s Article in the Washington Examiner Opinion Zone
NFL Should Stop Cracking Down on Sports Betting
Michelle Minton’s Letter in USA Today
Anger Over UK Quango’s Global Green Campaign
Iain Murray’s Quotation in the Daily Mail
FCC Votes to Assess Wireless Innovation and Competition
Ryan Radia’s Quotation in TWICE.com
>>Best of the Blogs
Ted Kennedy’s Deregulatory Legacy on Airlines and Trucking
by John Berlau
For a brief, shining moment, in the mid to late 1970s, Kennedy viewed smaller government as the most compassionate answer in one area of economic life: transportation. Kennedy was the prime mover in Congress behind the airline and trucking deregulation bills that were signed by President Jimmy Carter.
Regulation of the Day 41: The Color of Beer Cans
by Ryan Young
“Having already solved all of the country’s economic problems, the Federal Trade Commission now has time to threaten to step in and stop Budweiser from selling cans of Bud Light with college sports team colors on the labels.”
Elaine Chao: Union Transparency “More Important than Beck;” EFCA “Terrible”
by Ivan Osorio
Former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao described the union transparency requirements introduced during the Bush administration as “more important than Beck.”. . . Under Beck, workers who are required to pay for union representation may reclaim the portion of their dues that are not used for representation purposes.
>>LibertyWeek Podcast
Episode 57: The Scandal That Wouldn’t Die
In episode 57, we start with Blue Dogs and health care legislation, cash for clunkers running on fumes, and AT&T’s response to an iPhone controversy. We continue on with the scandal that wouldn’t die and the architectural historian’s version of Olympic News.
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Charles Huang
Web and Media Associate
Competitive Enterprise Institute
[email protected]