CEI Weekly: Obama Launches Weak Deregulation Initiative
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
CEI Weekly
August 26, 2011
>>Featured Story
This week, the Obama administration announced plans to reform government regulation on a scale that would save businesses a projected $10 billion over five years. CEI experts responded by commending the spirit of the initiative while pointing out that $2 billion per year in proposed deregulatory cuts barely touches the staggering $1.7 trillion regulatory burden. Read CEI’s statement on the initiative here.
>>Shaping the Debate
Bureaucrats Have Gone Rogue
Marlo Lewis’ blog post in The New York Times’ Room for Debate
MrFuddleSticks, the Renton Police Department, and Online Civil Liberties
Nicole Ciandella and Ryan Radia’s op-ed in The Seattle Times
Let’s Put a Stop to the War on Salt
Luke Pelican and Jacque Otto’s op-ed on FoxNews.com
Beware the Environmentalists’ Left-Wing Agenda
Marlo Lewis’ radio interview on One News Now
WaPo Gets its Pinocchio on For Dishonest ‘Warming’ Attack on Perry
Chris Horner’s op-ed on BigGovernment
Louisiana Saying No to Renewable Energy Mandates
William Yeatman’s citation in The Pelican Post
$500,000 of Green for the Greens, Red for the Rest of Us
Chris Horner’s citation on RedState
Is Business Choking on Red Tape?
Wayne Crews’ citation on Wall Street Pit
>>Best of the Blogs
Eminent Domain, Rick Perry, and the Trans-Texas Corridor
By Marc Scribner
NLRB to Businesses: Tell Employees They Can Unionize
By Ivan Osorio
Our Space Policy Chickens Have Come Home to Roost
By Rand Simberg
The EPA Cannot Be Trusted to Keep the Lights On
By William Yeatman
Changing the Discussion on Energy and the Environment
By Marita Noon
>> CEI Podcast
August 25, 2011: Mr. Fuddlesticks
Mr. Fuddlesticks is an anonymous YouTube user who posted embarrassing videos about the Renton, Washington police department. They convinced a judge to let them request Mr. Fuddlesticks’ personal information
from Google, YouTube’s parent company. While the charges were eventually dropped, Research Associate Nicole Ciandella thinks this highlights a major problem in applying telephone-era laws to the Internet era.