CEI Weekly: Senate Defends EPA Power Grab
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the Weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
CEI Weekly
June 11, 2010
>>Senate Defends EPA Power Grab; Votes Down Resolution
On Thursday, 53 members of the U.S. Senate went on record supporting economy-busting global warming regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency. The resolution, S.J.Res.26, introduced by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) would have stopped the EPA from ‘enacting’ controversial global warming policies through the regulatory back door. Specifically, it would have overturned EPA’s finding that greenhouse gas emissions endanger public health and welfare. The endangerment finding is both a trigger and precedent for sweeping policy changes never approved by Congress. Read more of what CEI has to say about the resolution:
Iain Murray’s “EPA Vote Coming Down to the Wire” in the American Spectator and “Action Needed Now to Stop EPA Power Grab” in the National Review Online.
Chris Honer’s “Senate to Vote on Obama’s Power Grab” in the Daily Caller.
>>CEI Studios Release
[Video] CEI in the News
>>Shaping the Debate
Let Michigan Insurance Consumers Tailor Coverage
Michelle Minton’s Op-ed in the Detroit News
Peekaboo! I See You…Acting Unconstitutionally
Iain Murray’s Op-ed in the American Spectator
Time to set Amtrak Free
Iain Murray and Roger Abbott’s Article in the Washington Examiner Opinion Zone
Tapping the Well of Freedom
Iain Murray’s Op-ed in the National Review Online
Australian Resource Tax Will Dampen Innovation
Fred Smith’s Letter to the Editor in the Financial Times
>>Best of the Blogs
Halter’s Loss a Major Blow for Big Labor
by Ivan Osorio
Statement of Marlo Lewis on S.J.Res.26, Sen. Murkowski’s resolution to overturn EPA’s endangerment finding
by Marlo Lewis
Thank You CBD: Another Reason to Nix EPA Endangerment Finding
by Marlo Lewis
>>LibertyWeek Podcast
Episode 96: Donut Day Disobedience
Richard Morrison and Marc Scribner welcome Chris Horner, Sam Kazman, and Ryan Radia to episode 96. We cover Chicago’s dishonorable gun restrictions, a special interview with bestselling author Christopher C. Horner, civil disobedience on National Donut Day, a shout out to CEI’s annual dinner gala, and the FTC’s proposed “Drudge Report Tax.”
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Charles Huang
Web and Media Associate
Competitive Enterprise Institute