CEI Weekly: The EPA Wants YOU to Lose Weight
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
CEI Weekly
December 31, 2010
>>Featured Story
Environmentalists are saying that certain man-made chemicals (dubbed “obesogens”) are causing people to gain wait. Now the Environmental Protection Agency wants to solve Americans’ weight problems by increasing environmental regulations. CEI Director of Risk and Environmental Policy Angela Logomasini had a column on FoxNews.com this week on why we shouldn’t make chemicals the scapegoat for obesity. Read “What Will Really Make Us Fat in the New Year” here.
>>Shaping the Debate
Union Snow Job
Vincent Vernuccio’s interview on “Varney & Co.”
Can the Tea Party Go Nuclear?
CEI’s citation in Politico
What’s Next for the FCC and Net Neutrality?
Ryan Radia’s citation in PC World
Jobs, Joblessness, and Obamanomics
Chris Horner’s op-ed in The Daily Caller
Warner’s Actions Sometimes Belie his Words
Greg Conko’s citation in The Richmond Times-Dispatch
>>Best of the Blogs
2010 Federal Register Is Third-Largest Ever
By Ryan Young
Driver Monitoring Increases Accuracy, Lowers Insurance Costs
By Michelle Minton
The College Diploma Fraud and Its Consequences
By Hans Bader
Paris Contemplates SUV Ban
By Brian McGraw
>> CEI Podcast: December 28, 2010: IRS as Tax Preparer?
Fellow in Regulatory Studies Ryan Young looks at the IRS’ proposal to save you time by doing your taxes for you. Because you would be liable for any of the IRS’ mistakes, you would still have to check over your return. This negates much of the time savings. It could also cost employers as much as $5 billion in increased reporting requirements. Then there is the conflict of interest between your collector also being your tax preparer.