CEI Weekly: Union Threatens Strike at Ground Zero
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blog posts from CEI’s fellows and associates sent out via e-mail every Friday. Also included in the weekly newsletter is a brief description of CEI’s weekly podcast and a feature on a major CEI breakthrough made during the week. To sign up for CEI Weekly, go to http://cei.org/newsletters.
CEI Weekly
August 5, 2011
>>Featured Story
With only a month to go before the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, union workers at the World Trade Center site are refusing to work and are threatening a full-on strike. The union is hoping to bully their way into their ideal contract—meanwhile, they’re upsetting people in New York City and across America. Labor Policy Counsel Vincent Vernuccio appeared on Fox Business to talk about the union workers’ tone deaf bungling of their labor dispute at Ground Zero. Watch the interview here.
>>Shaping the Debate
Protecting IP While Preserving Online Innovation
Ryan Radia’s hill briefing (video)
Hidden Truth: The Perils and Protection of Off-Label Drug and Medical Device Promotion
Greg Conko’s study in Health Matrix
The Case Against John Bryson
David Bier’s op-ed in The Kansas City Star
Going Down to the Wire on Debt-Limit Deal
John Berlau’s radio interview on KCRW
The Coming War on Vitamins
Michelle Minton’s op-ed in The Washington Times
Reforming Regulation, Bit by Bit
Ryan Young’s op-ed on FoxNews.com
Lemonade Crackdown
Iain Murray’s blog post in National Review Online
New Fuel Economy Standards Could Hurt More Than They Help
Sam Kazman’s radio interview on One News Now
Back to Big Government Spending as Usual
Trey Kovacs’ citation in Michelle Malkin’s nationally syndicated column
Now Government Trying to Ban Sale of Your Supplements
Michelle Minton’s citation in NewsMax
>>Best of the Blogs
Congress Shall Make No Law…
By Fred Smith
Robert Reich Doesn’t Understand Surface Transportation Funding
By Marc Scribner
Another Sleazy Green TV Ad
By William Yeatman
August 20 is Lemonade Freedom Day
By Ryan Young
USPS Bailout on the Horizon
By Trey Kovacs
>> CEI Podcast
July 21, 2011: Stopping the Music
Tough economic times are forcing symphony orchestras across the country to cut budgets and lay off staff, and in some cases shut down entirely. Labor Policy Counsel Vinnie Vernuccio, who coauthored a recent op-ed in the New York Daily News, finds that labor unions, by resisting necessary changes and limiting organizations’ ability to adapt to hard times, are doing more harm than good for the arts.