Clarification Regarding the Oregon Governor’s Scandal
In a February 13, 2015, video interview on The Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal, Director of CEI’s Center for Energy and Environment Myron Ebell discussed the recent scandal involving then-Governor of Oregon Jon Kitzhaber and his fiancée, Cylvia Hayes. Myron stated that a number of billionaires had been promoting alternative energy despite the fact that it would raise electricity prices, and that money from energy advocacy groups related to Mr. Steyer, such as the Energy Foundation, was being provided to Cylvia Hayes.
However, Mr. Steyer’s attorney, Martin Singer, has informed us that while Mr. Steyer’s charitable trusts donated funds to the Energy Foundation between 2009 and 2013, these funds were explicitly restricted so they could not be used for lobbying, legislative or electoral purposes, and they were in no way earmarked for work performed by Cylvia Hayes. Therefore, according to Mr. Singer, Mr. Steyer’s money had no connection to the work that Ms. Hayes performed under the Energy Foundation funding.