COP21: CEI’s Myron Ebell and Chris Horner Branded as Climate Criminals for Threatening Bogus Consensus

A group calling itself Avaaz (“Voice”) has plastered “wanted” posters of seven “climate criminals” on Paris streets and billboards during the COP21 climate negotiations.
Avaaz worries that those seven individuals could exert undue influence on the 40,000 delegates from 190 countries. The seven must therefore be named, shamed, and shunned, lest they derail the negotiations and “destroy” mankind’s future.
Two of the so-called climate criminals are my co-workers Myron Ebell and Chris Horner. Two are colleagues from other free-market organizations (James Taylor, Heartland Institute; Marc Marano, Climate Depot and CFACT). Another is Bjorn Lomborg, one of a handful of truly indispensable thinkers on climate change and global welfare.
Powerline blogger Steve Hayward quips that the combined budgets of CEI and Climate Depot are “probably less than the Environmental Defense Fund or the Sierra Club spend on (fair trade, recycled) coffee filters in a month.”
When we factor in the billions spent by the Obama administration, the European Union, and the U.N. to promote climate alarm and demonize fossil fuels, it is remarkable how much angst our Magnificent Seven inspire in a Borg Collective of 40,000.
This paroxysm of paranoia would be hard to explain if the climate “crisis” and the desirability of taxing away mankind’s access to fossil fuels were based on sound science and economics rather than politically orchestrated groupthink. As Myron observed, “The vilification of me and several other climate realists during a meeting of tens of thousands of alarmists suggests they are worried that a handful of people speaking the truth, threatens the so-called consensus that global warming is a crisis.”