Evangelical Leader Asked to Resign Over Global Warming Activism
The split among Christians over global warming is growing wider. While it appeared liberal environmentalists had pretty much convinced evangelicals that catastrophic global warming is looming, some Christian leaders are now saying ‘not so fast.’ Focus on the Family leader James Dobson and other Christian leaders are calling for the resignation of Richard Cizik, a vice president with the National Association of Evangelicals, for his global warming activism. In a letter to the NAE board, Dobson and the others write:
“The issue that is dividing and demoralizing the NAE and its leaders is related to global warming, resulting from a relentless campaign orchestrated by a single individual in the Washington office, Richard Cizik, vice president of government relations. While many of us consider Richard to be a friend, he regularly speaks without authorization for the entire organization and puts forward his own political opinions as scientific fact.”
Just recently, Jerry Falwell also gave a sermon on “The Myth of Global Warming” at his Lynchburg, VA church.