Free Trade Brings Hope and Prosperity, Transforms Lives
There’s a story in the Washington Post today about how freer trade lifted millions of people out of poverty in Colombia, especially in the metropolis of Medellin, which has achieved prosperity despite a history of being poverty-stricken and crime-ridden. Freer trade transformed the lives of vast numbers of people, helping them achieve a better life for themselves and their children.
For political reasons, Congressional leaders have blocked the proposed free trade agreement between the U.S. and Colombia, which would prevent the resurrection of protectionist trade barriers and create jobs in both the U.S. and Colombia. At the same time, they have pandered to Venezuela’s anti-American dictator, and liberal Massachusetts congressman James McGovern, a leading critic of the free trade agreement, has sought to help the left-wing terrorist group FARC, whose hostages were recently released after a daring rescue by Colombia’s democratically-elected government.