Global warming roundup
Lots of items you may have missed:
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) says U.S. emissions restrictions might only take effect if major developing countries also impose them
- My colleague on Marlo Lewis on how Congress is reverting to the thinking of the Byrd-Hagel resolution
- Al Gore’s Quebecois allies lose big in elections
- Only 24 percent of Americans consider Al Gore an expert on global warming
- … which leads Roger L Simon to ask whether Gore hurts his own cause
- British energy consumption booms and emissions rise
- European Union climate goals will cost €1 trillion
- Russian scientist dismisses idea of massive sea level rise within next thousand years
- Professor David Henderson on climate change, the Stern review and the IPCC
- Alarmist warns of “Carbon Dictatorship” if world fails to act
- EU asserts control over Polish and Czech economies
- More evidence that China will overtake the U.S. as the biggest emitter this year
- A profile of Arctic researcher Syun-Ichi Akasofu
- Indur Goklany says mankind has never been wealthier, healthier, or freer
- Snowball Earth theory looks less and less robust
- Britain’s global warming envoy has a carbon footprint 30 times that of the average Briton
- Germany abandons nuclear and builds coal-fired power stations
- Richard D. North was not impressed by The Great Global Warming Swindle
- The American Thinker on the argument that global warming is a moral matter
- Apparently it’s scientifically OK to be a Big Bang Denier
- IPCC scientists angry at allegations that their report was watered down by governments
- New research suggests very high greenhouse gas concentrations in recent history
- Millions in UK in “fuel poverty” trap
- EU’s new “open skies” policy will generate 26 million extra air journeys
Enough to be going on with?