Just in time for the Debt Super Committee–the new Hello Kitty Federal Budget Calculator
The Hello Kitty Federal Budget Calculator is here to ease tension created by hostile political climate in the wake of the debt-ceiling-increase debates.
Yesterday, U.S. Senate Democrats selected Patty Murray, John Kerry and Max Baucus for the debt Super Committee charged with coming up with cuts this fall.
The CBO figures the Budget Control Act passed August 1 will save $2.3 trillion between 2012 and 2021 once the committee does its thing.
Markets, to say the least, are unimpressed, so more cuts must be made. The Super Committee now has a fresh way of going about it. The Hello Kitty Budget Calculator is particularly adept at recalculating baselines and future entitlements–always the sticking points–all with a friendly face. It’s a welcome solution.