Morning Media Summary
Privacy experts praise Google+ rollout so far:
“After major privacy failures in its Buzz and Street View services, Google has hit the right notes with its deliberate, measured roll out of its new Google+ social networking site, according to privacy experts.”
Harvard Researchers Accused of Breaching Students’ Privacy:
“On Thursday, Business Insider reported that China is trying to buy “a huge chunk” of Facebook.”
Global Warming / Environment / Energy:
RPT-Coal miners say Australia carbon tax treatment unfair:
“Australia’s powerful coal mining industry on Sunday warned it was being unfairly singled out under the country’s new carbon emissions trading scheme, predicting it will lead to job losses and fewer collieries at a time when buyers are paying top dollar for coal.”
Insurance / Gambling:
Internet Gambling: Joe Barton Wants To Legalize Online Poker:
“Many Americans mistakenly thought internet gambling was legal before the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shut down the largest three online poker sites this past April in what has since been dubbed “Black Friday” by poker enthusiasts.”
Health / Safety:
BRICS countries vow to help poor nations in health:
“The world’s top emerging countries banded together Monday to help fight diseases in the poorest countries, pledging to transfer technologies to the developing world to help supply cheap and effective drugs.”
Economist Veronique de Rugy on debt debate:
“On Thursday, Daily Caller multimedia producer, Sean Malone and GWU intern Francesca Nestande visited with economist Veronique de Rugy at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center to film a broad-ranging interview about the current debate over raising the Federal debt ceiling. Although the Obama administration has insisted that failure to raise the amount of money the Federal government is allowed to borrow would result in a nearly immediate default on the payments made on the National Debt, Dr. Veronique de Rugy (Ph.D, University of Paris-Sorbonne) disagrees.”
Debt reduction talks in limbo as clock ticks toward Aug. 2 dealine:
“After weeks of debate, Obama may have a tenuous hold on the political high ground as he takes on a more visible role, urging party leaders to set aside ideology to trim an estimated $4 trillion from the deficit over the next decade.”
Video: Hume: The Obama DOJ reminds me of nothing so much as the Nixon Justice Department:
“Last week, of course, was a big week in the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, the international gunrunning scandal that Obama administration officials still refuse to clear up. Today, Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume characterized the ongoing scandal perfectly:”
US Stocks Primed For New Highs After Release Of Jobs Data:
“With strong labor market data already in their back pockets, Wall Street investors are itching to take stocks to new highs after the release of the government’s jobs report on Friday.”
Transportation/ Land Use:
China’s bullet train: dark & sweaty:
“China’s controversial new bullet train connection between the mega-cities of Beijing and Shanghai hit its first major speed bump on Sunday, just 10 days after the service opened to the public.”